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04 October 2017

day 32 bis (almost) – draft

Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Estella / Lizarra (pronunciation ? Estayia)
00 km today - 115 km on Camino Frances - 848 km to date - 665 to Santiago

My last post of a few days ago described, after I had pulled a bunch of muscles in my right thigh while on the way in early May 2016, what I had done as a consequence.

So, on Sunday, 1 October 2017, I left Wellington and on Tuesday, 3 October arrived back in Estella /Lizarra and back to the albergue (backpackers hostel) that I stayed at 18 months before.

And the adventures began before I arrived there.

On the plane from Wellington to Singapore a young couple had the two sets next to me.  They were obviously in the bloom of their relationship.  And this was confirmed when a hostess brought a cheesecake, with kiwi fruit on top, two glasses of wine and a card that said “Happy Honeymoon”.  They shared cheesecake with me and the husband told me a little of their story: immigrants from eastern Europe who go back for short holidays and with no wish return permanently.

On arrival at London (Heathrow) my eldest son and his son (my grandson) were waiting for me at a fine restaurant near check-in.  Luke had made a display board with my name (“Da”) on it, just like the chauffers at the arrivals hall, which he held up the moment I walked in: a grand time together, including handing over a reader from Unity Books, Wellington.

An evening flight to Madrid and coach from there to Logrono (about 350 km) and an “all stops” bus to Estella / Lizarra (about 50 km).  My local business takes a lot longer than expected, so I opt to stay here the night.  One of the volunteer hospitaleros is Canadian and she knows we have a head of state in common.  After a “granny” nap I go and get some dinner – tortilla (tor – ti – yia) patatas.  This is the famed Spanish omelette with eggs and potatoes, on this occasion topped with cheese.

And as I get underway a hospitalero and a local reporter interview me (the walking kilt does mark one out) about how I got to Estella and why, along with a photo.  I am told the story will be emailed to me when printed – it will be fun translating it back into English.

And so to bed.